Sunday, 26 December 2010

Quick Christmas update

Season's Greetings to all Children of Moorfield!
The big news is Marilyn Karlson (granddaughter of Mary Crozer Bryson) has finished the family genealogy (or rather had reached a stage where she was content to have it printed) and several copies were delivered to our house on an extremely cold night on 21 December. It comes to 258 pages excluding appendices of shipping lists, maps, family trees and photographs. The research that has gone into it and the information Marilyn has brought together is quite staggering. It's now officially a family heirloom in its own right!

I'll be distributing copies to branches of the family here over the coming weeks so maybe I'll get to see some of you. And I'll make sure the Canadian and Swedish Croziers aren't forgotten. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of Christmas and have a good 2011.
